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Refugee Week 2005

fortress britainThe project happened over a period of 3 weeks, consisting of workshops and skillshares using Linux DTP tools. Content for the publication came via collaborations with asylum seekers and refugees in a variety of contexts, from interviews about personal experiences, to the bigger picture of asylum policy and the idealogy of Borders in general. Download a PDF of Borderlines (14MB PDF)

Borderlines Process

A2:RTs work is based around taking open source philosophies and applying them outside the context of software, so the project itself involved an opening of the technologies and the editorial process.

The tools used were BLAG Linux operating system, donated and found computers and scanners, and 3 software packages

  • Openoffice was used to create the text content. (Although it would have been possible to use Abiword)
  • The Gimp was used for image editing and graphics creation.
  • Scribus was used to layout all the text and images and to export the final document as a print ready PDF

Editorial decisions were made by concensus and the content collaboratively generated

Documentation on how to use Linux for DTP was generated and is available here (1.4MB PDF)

Several recycled computers were distributed to voluntary asylum support groups with all the tools needed to create their own publications.

Supported by Celebrate Sanctuary

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